ip(ə)h(ə)mot(ə)j Translator


The consonants and vowels are separated in to two lists,
a e i o u
b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z
Then the value of the letters is shifted to the left
e i o u a
c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z b
If there are two of the same consonants next to each other pronounce them as if it were only one
In vowel sequences that are hard to pronounce the letter þ is put between them
Þ is pronounced as either 'th' sound in general american english. /θ/, and /ð/ in IPA
In consonant clusters that are hard to pronounce the letter ə is put between them. Alternatively, if your dialect/language does not include the general american 'th' sounds feel free to pronounce it as the catch in the throat in the phrase 'uh-oh'. /ʔ/ in the IPA
Ə is pronounced as either the 'a' in about or the 'u' in but in general american english. /ə/, and /ʌ/ in IPA
If the word ends with a weird consonant like 'q' also add an 'ə' sound
Please feel free to add these of whenever you please into the pronunciation as the generator will not automatically add these in
Keep in mind that all letters are pronounced separately so r doesnt modify any vowels. If it helps, you can put an 'ə' sound at the end of a word
The letter 'c' has a special pronunciation, it is either pronounced as the 'ch' sound as in church, or the 'sh' sound as in shoe in general american english. /ʧ/, and /ʃ/ in IPA.
The vowels also have designated pronunciation(s), all word examples come from general american english
a, either pronounced as the 'a' in father, or the 'a' in bat. /a/, and /æ/ in IPA
e, either pronounced as the 'e' in let, or the 'e' in coup d'etat. /ɛ/, and /e/ in IPA
i, either pronounced as the 'i' in tingle, or the 'i' in bit. /i/, and /ɪ/ in IPA
o, pronounced as the 'o' in no. /o/ in IPA
u, pronounced as the 'u' in super. /u/ in IPA
Here are some practice examples
Jot dupgofipdi xuaməf jewi ciþi efnosecəmi og ov xetpəv gus jot təvaqofovəz.
Təji tex pu osupəz etlopəhə ni vu dəjepəhi cav xepəvopəhə ni vu eddiqəv jis gus xəju təji ot.
Tunivonit zua jewi vu katəv howi aqə epəf xop cəz dəjievopəhə.
Ov vaspət uav zua fupəv piþif emm vəjev təvagg zua optotəvif zua fof.
Vəji vəjapəfisuat sues ug vəji kiv uwisjief dupəgosnif jis xustəv giest.

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