Phrases are exchanged first. Place phrases from language 1 (usually just plain English) into the first column, and then place what you want it to change into in the second column.
These two lists will be the foundation of your translator. If your users type a word that's in the first column, it will be translated to the word in the second column. Remember: Words at the top of the list will be the first ones translated (after phrases). Press Enter to make a new line for each new word. Here's a list of common English words in case you need it.
Tip: Click here for some English word frequency lists. For other languages, click here.
These lists are for translating groups of letters that are within (or at the start/end of) individual words. Put "s" in the first column and "$" in the second column and see what happens. Or maybe you want "oo" to translate to "00" so "pool" goes to "p00l"? If so, you're in the right place.
Here you can translate the beginnings of words. You could use this section to translate any word that starts with "pre" to the same word, but instead starting with "suf". To do that you would put "pre" in the first column and "suf" in the second column (without the quote marks!).
Use this section to change the ends of words. You could use this to translate any word that ends with "ies" to the same word, but ending with "ys" - to do this, you would put "ies" in the first column, and adjacent "ys" in the second column.
Regular Expressions let you go beyond simple substitutions. If you're unsure what "regex" is, you should run off and learn about it before using this section. This site has a great regex sandbox. If you do know what it is, you can input (JavaScript) regex to create some neat little replacement rules. See bottom of page for examples. Note: Directly below are the text boxes for regular expressions for 'forward' translation - from Language1 to Language2. Further down there are boxes for reverse translation.
Below are the regex lists for reverse translation:
Here are some examples of how you could use regex. To use them you just need to put the text which is on the left side of the arrow in the left-hand text box, and the text which is on the right side of the arrow in the right-hand text box.
Replace all new lines with an underscore:
/\r?\n|\r/g → _
Repeat all letters twice:
/([a-zA-Z])/g → $1$1
Swap start and end letters of all words:
/([a-zA-Z])([^\s]+)([a-zA-Z]) ?/g → $3$2$1   (space on end is important!)
Repeat last letter of all words:
/([^\s]+)([^\s]) ?/g → $1$2$2 
Add "-cake" to the end of all words:
/([^\s]+) ?/g → $1-cake 
(This is a new feature, please report bugs and feel free to make suggestions!) Use this section to change the ordering of words based on their tagged word type. Tag your words by appending {{noun}}, {{verb}}, {{adjective}}, or any other tag you want (e.g. {{fruit}}, {{animal}}) to the end of words in your word list. Then you can switch the ordering from (for example) adjective->noun to noun->adjective by putting "adjective noun" in the left box and "noun adjective" in the right box (without the quotation marks). IMPORTANT: You should only add {{tags}} your language 2 words (the box on the right hand side in the 'words' tab) if you only want swapping to occur in the forward translations, otherwise tag both columns.
This little section gives you some interesting statistics to play around with.
- Number of visitors: 533
- Number of translation rules: 48
- Age of translator: 240 days
- Recently people have clicked links on these webpages to view your translator:
Watch this space for all sorts of messy little bonus features!
Default translation text: A list of default sentences (one per line) of which one will be randomly selected as the default text that appears in the translator when the user first visits.
Check this box to disable reverse translation: (i.e. if your translator doesn't support reverse translation).
Custom script: If you know JavaScript, you can define two functions in the box below. For the forward translation, you must define a function called "forward" that accepts the text from your first language and returns the translated text. For reverse translation you must define a function called "backward" which works in a similar way except for reverse translation.
Append extra text to title: You may want to put extra information in your translators title, but you don't want it to actually be in the visible title when people visit your translator. So if you write text in this box, it wont appear on your translator's web page, but it will appear in the title of your webpage when people see it in their google search results.
Background image: You can set a full-screen background image for your translator by finding one online and then pasting the full URL into the box below. The image dimensions should probably be greater than 1000px or it might look a bit blurry. You can upload an image to imgur.com (or any other image hosting site) if you've got the image on your computer. Just make sure you put the direct image link in the box (i.e. the URL should end in ".jpg" or ".png").
Custom title font: To use a custom font for your translator title, go to google.com/fonts and find a font that you like. Once you've got one, copy its name exactly (it's case sensitive) and then paste it in the box below. Some examples you might try are "Londrina Shadow", "Finger Paint", or "Bilbo" (without the quote marks).
Language fonts: Using the boxes below you can set custom fonts for each of the translation input/ouput areas. To use a regular font that is available in web browsers by default (like Arial, Georgia, etc. ), enter the "asterix" or star symbol (*), and then the name of the font (case sensitive). To use other custom fonts, go to google.com/fonts and find a font that you like. Once you've got one, copy its name exactly (it's case sensitive) and then paste it in the box below. Some examples you might try are "Londrina Shadow", "Finger Paint", or "Bilbo" (without the quote marks).
People who use your translator can submit suggestions on your translator's public page. Those suggestions will appear below. Also, you can click the "Subscribe" button at the bottom of the Disqus comments area on your translator's page, and put your email in to box so you're notified when people make a comment on your translator.
Save button is in the top-right of the screen!