Zorvir's Infernal Translator

IMPORTANT: The link to this translator from some search engines seems to lead to a translator that does not work. I am not certain how to fix this, but I am working on it.
UPDATE: The translator appears to be working now for the people I have had test it. Regardless, I have begun to work on a website that will provide lessons, dictionaries, and worksheets for people who want to learn this version of Infernal. I do not know when this will be published, as it is a rather large task to tackle and I am just one person. I hope to have at least the basics (introductions, D&D specific words, present/past/future verbs, nouns) published by the end of 2022. This translator will still be the main focus of my work. (Updated 4/21/2021)
UPDATE 2: I recently got a new job and have been too busy to work on the translator so I imagine the release dates for the dictionary and lessons will be pushed back. In the meantime, feel free to shoot me a message on DNDBeyond (ZorvirKaazinar) or leave a comment here and I'd be happy to answer questions when I get a minute. (6/29/2021)

Zorvir's Infernal

NOTICE: This translator is very much unfinished. I am now seeking to make a functional language and that will take time to build, proofread, and upload, please be patient. Most recent update: March 26th, 2021
This is the version of Infernal that my group uses for Dungeons and Dragons. It is not official, and I am not affiliated with, employed by, or in any way working for Wizards of the Coast.
Remember that Tiefling Infernal is not the same as Devilish Infernal, since there is a class system that includes different dialects of Infernal.
Please read these notes if you plan to use this translator to read/write/speak Zorvir's Infernal correctly. The translator alone will give you strange results. If you're just adding some flavor to your D&D table and will have notes to read from, disregard whatever you feel like, but if you're interested in communicating effectively with your fellow tieflings (maybe without your DM understanding), it would benefit you to pay attention to the grammatical rules and conjugations listed below.
Because I despise declining nouns more than I have trouble memorizing word order, nouns are just nouns and you don't have to decline them. Hah--take that, Latin. Any form of a verb will give you the infinitive in Tiefling Infernal, rules for conjugation are listed below.


-ve, -me, and -ke To conjugate Infernal verbs, you take off the infinitive ending and add the personal ending. The configuration of conjugations is:
[Me/I] ---- [We] ----
[You] ---- [You (pl)] ----
[He/she/it/singular they] ---- [They (plural)]

Present Tense

[-t] ---- [-itm]
[-tsk] ---- [-avet]
[-s] ---- [-its]
[-v] ---- [-izm]
[-et] ---- [-amet]
[-z] ---- [-tz]

Past Tense

(All endings)
[-evet] ---- [-evetas]
[-evet] ---- [-evetas]
[-evet] ---- [-evetas]

Future Tense

(All endings)
[-evo] ---- [-evai]
[-evo] ---- [-evai]
[-evo] ---- [-evai]

Literal translations of some phrases: "No way!" --> "Rotten!" "Go to hell!" --> "Go to heaven!" (This is ironically used by young tieflings, older tieflings would likely use a more literal translation of the phrase and use "hell".) "Calm down." --> "Have peace."

Update log:
4/15/2019, added common D&D roleplaying words (names of D&D races, classes, occupations, items, etc.) to English words list. Began adding Infernal translations. Reformatted description. Realized that people are actually using this translator and that's pretty rad.
5/6/2019, continued adding Infernal translations to list. Compiled list of more commonly used D&D words to add to English list. Compiled list of more verb tenses to be transcribed into the translator at a later date.
7/18/2020, looked at this translator for the first time in almost a year. Added common D&D words. Added a member to the translation party. Lost a bunch of notes over the past year. Changed title font.
7/21/2020, added English words to the "to be added" list that are commonly used in Dungeons and Dragons.
8/24/2020, added translation for "love".
10/9/2020, added some pet names and insults, added translation for "help", fixed some issues with contractions not translating properly (not all are finished, please avoid contractions like it's, you're, she's, etc. if you want an accurate translation). Added past tense. Planning to add section that explains how to use past tense (not the same as English).
10/10/2020, 2am: added future tense. Drank a can of [REDACTED] energy drink in under a minute. Wondered how I got in a situation where I needed some of the words I had to come up with today. A more reasonable hour: Reformatted this god awful wall of text. Added cool words. Like sun.
11/24/2020, wrote down some words to add, checked suggestions. I'll be adding words for die, perish, worm, mortal, etc. as suggested because those are definitely part of any self-respecting tiefling's vocabulary. I'll also be adding some popular tiefling phrases with no direct English translation. When leaving suggestions, please clarify what is broken. I can't fix "it's broken," but I can fix "this word doesn't translate" or "there are no rules for _____."
1/26/2021, added a few words and phrases.
3/26/2021, added a phrase for "strangers" that literally translates to "people from out."
4/21/2021, decided to start working on a whole website for this god forsaken language since it's really hard to use lingojam for a real language that can be communicated with. Procrastination makes a man do strange things.

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