Yadelovin Translator

In devoted unity (lang of the Seladovit and people of the lands of Kadelovia)

Languages to help translate my lang. are these... Hebrew, Greek, Arabic, Nepali, Tamil, Armenian, Persian, Polish, Japanese, Latin. Reminder to self use these
Breton, Maltese, Italian, French, Spanish.
so far i have about 4526 "words (list)" (500 of which are round about number. also some being worked on, and some words may have forgotten to count.) Add number from the dictionary did... if a word has multiple meanings, add a number to the end of it like bark2. Also, words show spelling may not be pronounced as one think for example olfake is not ol-fake but is ol-fa-ké. if you want do a word like ice cream do ice-cream.
My alphabet is 26 letters abgdhwvzTSyk/clmnse/ipSHqrCHtH/o?(unkown)PSKS (to be put in order later) a (singular) aa (dubble) ai (ai) e ee o oo u uu. eu ou. J(gH) th(tH).
Ty for feedback, please suggest new words (if my language, please show definitions in English)...
here some words completed... (plan to change list to common words)
"Light of affection" or "Beloved light" (branch) "New beginnings" or "Growth" Abandon Abate Abdicate Abduct Abide Ability Ablaze Able Able-bodied Abnormal Aboard Abolish Abominate Abort Affection Alison Animal Animals Ant Apple Apricot Ballon Banana Beans Bear Beautiful rise1 Bee Bell Beloved light1 Beloved1 Birds Branch Bread Bud Bunch of grapes Bush Butter Butterfly CD Cabbage Cake Camel Candy Capable; Growth or increase, one who brings growth or abundance Carrot Cat Caterpillar Cauliflower Cheese Cherry Chicken Chips Chocolate Chris Christmas Cockroach Coconut Coffee Compassionate one of God1 Cookie Corn Cow Crab Crocodile Crow Cucumber Danny Date David Dawson Dinosaur Divine guidance1 Dog Doll Dolphin Donkey Dove Dr. Drinks Drum Duck Eagle Egg Eight Eight Elephant English Entity of peace1 Family Father of many nations1 Fig Fish Five Five Flour Flower Flute Flutter1 Fly Fly2 Food Four Four Fox French French fries Friend Friend or companion1 Friendship that elevates and beautifies life1 Frog Fruit Games Giant2 Giraffe Globe Goat God contends1 God will add1 God's abundance1 God’s flower1 Goldfish Good Goodbye Goose Gorilla Gourd Grace or favor1 Grain Grandeur1 Grape Grass Grasshopper Guitar Ham Hamburger Hardworking individual illuminating their surroundings1 Hedge Hello Hi Hippopotamus Home Honey Hoop Hope or promise1 Horn Horse How are you? Human I I'd I'll I'm I've Ice cream Initiative Insects Instruments I’m Jadelovina Jake Jam Jehovah Jen Jerusalem Jesus Jesus2 Jew Jews Jigsaw Joey John Juice Julian Kangaroo Kite Laughter1 Leaf Leek Lemon Leopard Lettuce Life of the ocean1 Lindsay Lineage1 Lion Living things Lizard Love Lucy Luis Luke Maize Mankind Marbles Marry Mask May3 Meal Meat Melon Milk Monkey Moon Moses Mosquito Mountain Mountain goat1 Mouse Mr Mr. Mrs. Ms. My God has answered1 Native Nest Nick Nine No Noodles Nora Number Nuts Oil Olive One One One who adorns with trust1 One who belongs to building1 Onion Orange Ostrich Owl Panda Paper Parrot Paul Peace with you Peace1 Pear Pen Penguin Piano Picnic Pig Pineapple Pizza Plant Playing cards Please Polar bear Popcorn Potato Princess1 Pumpkin Puppet Rabbit Radiant blossom1 Rhinoceros Rice Richard Rick River River of God1 Robot Root Ross Ryan Sad Salad Salt Sam Sandwich Sausage School Scorpion Seal Seed Seven Seven Shadow and Light1 Shared love or communal affection1 Shark Sheep Sheridan Shining judgment1 Shoot Six Six Skipping rope Sky Snail Snake Soda Song of freedom1 Sorry Soup Spider Spider web Star Stem Stick Strawberry Strength from vines or Strong vines1 Sugar Suggesting something that embodies beauty1 Sun Swan Sweet blessing1 T-shirt TRUE TV Tambourine Tea Teddy bear Telescope Ten Ten Thank you The coming of spring1 Third Thirty Three Three Tiger Timmy To draw out1 Tomato Tony Toy car Toys Train set Tree Tree stump Tree trunk Turtle Twelve Twenty Two Two Vegetable Warrior protector1 Water Watermelon Welcome back West Whale Wheat Wished-for one1 Wolf Work Worm Yes Zero Zibra a a a watch abilities ability able about above abruptly absence absence absolute absolutely absolutely absorb absorb absorbed abuse academic accent accept acceptable access accident accompany accomplish according account accurate accusation accuse ache achieve achieve across act action active actually add addition address admit advancement advisor advisors afraid after after afternoon afterward again against age ago agree agreement ah ahead aim ain't air alarm alcohol alive all allow allure ally almost alone along already alright also although always am amaze amazing ambition ambition ambition2 ambitions amidst among amount amuse an ancestors and angel anger angrily angry announce annoy annual another answer antonio any anybody anymore anyone anything anytime anyway anywhere apart apart apartment apologize apparently appeal appear appearance apple apply appreciate appreciate approach approached approaching approve arcadia are area aren't argue argument arm aromas around arranged arrive arrive arrived arrives art as aside ask asked asking asleep ass ass assembled assembly hall assert asserted associate associated association assure at ate atop attack attempt attention attitude auburn aunt autonomy autumn avoid await awaited awake awaken awakened awakening aware awash away awesome awful awhile awkward baby babylon back back2 background backpack backward bad bad2 badly bag balance balance2 ball band band-aid bandage bang bank bar bare barefacedly barely bark bark (of tree) bark2 barrel base basically basket bathroom battery battle battlement be beach beam bear bearing beast beat beat beat2 beat3 beat4 beating beating2 beautiful beauty became because become bed bedroom been beer before beg began begin beginning begun behind being believe believing bell belly belong belong2 belong3 belonging below belt belt2 belt3 ben bench bent beside besides best bet beth better between between2 beyond bib big big2 bike bill billy bird birth birthday bit bite black blackest blame blank blanket blast blazing bleed blew blind blink block blonde blood bloody blouse blow blue blush bo board boat body bond bonds bonds bone book boot bore bore born boss both bother bottle bottom bought bounce bound bow bowl box boy boyfriend boys braced bracelet brain branch break breast breasts breath breathe breathed breeze brew brewing brews bricks bridge brief briefcase briefly bright brilliance brilliant bring broke broken broom brother brothers brought brow brow brown bruise brush brush2 bubble bucket buddy build building builds built bullet bump bunch bundle burn burning bury bus bush business busy but but butt butterflies button buy buy2 buy3 buzz buzzing by bye cabin cafeteria cage call called calling calls calm calmly came camera camp campus can can't can2 candle candy cannot cap capacity captain car card care careful carefully caretakers carpet carry case cast casting casting2 casually cat catch catching caught cause caution ceased cedar ceiling celebrate celebrates celebrating cell cell phone central

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