common to thieves cant including plurals for d&d. for some words there are multiple translations; this will show up as several words split / apart / like / this. all of them will work, pick whichever one you like best for the situation.
there are some phrases that you probably won't use, or figure out exist, so i will be including them in a list here:
- beggar who feigns madness
- beggar that has hired children for sympathy (typically female)
- beggar who pretends to be mute
- beggar who begs from coaches
- beggar who pretends to be a wounded soldier (or sailor)
- begging from a prison window
- boy who goes through a window to unlock the door to the house
- break a jeweler's window
- cart used to take felons to execution
- art of cheating at cards
- criminal who deserves and has escaped the gallows
- criminal who gives evidence against his people to get a lighter sentence
- criminals in the stocks
- cutting the saddlebags of horses to steal
- device used to burn the hands of criminals
- exchanging coins for less valuable ones
- facing the gallows with no remorse
- a place where stolen goods can be sold
- hiding place for stolen goods
- illegal healer
- skilled highwayman
- hung in chains
- justice of the peace
- lawyer who doesn't understand the case
- lawyer willing to undertake any case
- lawyer playing both sides
- lead stolen off the top of buildings
- man in the stocks
- man willing to give fake evidence for money
- metal clipped off a coin
- murdered victim of a robbery
- oath taken by a beggar
- permission from the thieves guild to operate within their territory
- thieves who use a hooked stick to steal goods out of shop windows
- pickpocket who steal handkerchiefs
- pickpocket who works churches
- pretend to shuffle cards
- prostitute who steals from their clients
- realize that something is up
- receiver of stolen goods
- released prisoner that returns to a life of crime
- removing metal from a coin using chemicals
- rob a house by picking a lock
- robber who follows a cart or wagon to steal from it
- robbers of henhouses
- robbery by entering through a window that was left open
- rogue who divides the booty between a group of thieves
- rogue in the same gang
- sell stolen goods
- someone who buys stolen goods
- share of treasure obtained by fraud
- sheep stealer
- someone who associates with thieves in order to arrest them and get rewards
- someone who pretends to have money in order to act on behalf of an arrested person
- wound a man with a piercing object
- stealing brass door knockers from doors
- stick used by muggers
- taking a false oath
- tale told in order to avoid blame for a crime
- talk to the authorities
- target of a confidence game
- someone who associates with thieves
- thief who beats and murders his victims
- thief who breaks windows to steal
- thief who replaces valuable goods with worthless ones
- thief who sells items door to door
- thief who steals brass weights off of shop counters
- thief who steals cheap goods
- thief who steals silverware
- thief who steals swords from a mans belt
- thief who uses the darkness as cover for his crime
- high standing thieves guild member
- thieves who pretend to be sailors to gain free passage
- thieves who rob people on a boat and throw them overboard
- thieves who steal lead off of buildings
- thieves who steal wet clothes off of clothes lines
- trader of knowledge on where stolen property can be sold
- very crooked person
- victim of a thief
- desperate person
- villainous appearance
- widow of someone who has been hanged
- false witness
- write an i owe you
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