Super Ultimate Extreme Verbose Translator (very extremely very exceedingly very morally excellent and very accurately blasting)

Version 1.3.2 (Codename Major Expansion 3)


What is verbose?

Verbose means any of the following from 2 free reading sites:


Verbosity or verboseness is speech or writing that uses more words than necessary, e.g. "in spite of the fact that" rather than "although".


Containing or using more words than necessary; long-winded, wordy.


An example of a good and accurately verbose translator with the sentence from the following meme:

Normal text

Not gonna lie, they got us in the first half.

Verbose text

Express negation, denial, refusal, or prohibition of the act of leaving or departing expressing motion or direction toward a point, person, place, or thing approached and reached a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive an intentional untruth, a falsehood used to refer to a generic or unspecified person previously mentioned, about to be mentioned, or present in the immediate context to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of oneself and another or others to indicate inclusion within space, a place, or limits used, especially before a noun, with a specifying or particularizing effect before all others with respect to order, rank, importance, one of two equal or approximately equal parts of a divisible whole, as an object, or unit of measure or time. bonus So angry that my career gets destroyed! More like:
jump Indicating inclusion within the aforementioned aforementioned aforementioned aforementioned aforementioned aforementioned characteristic manner angry pointing indicating inclusion within order indicating inclusion within order indicating inclusion within order in order to another place sourcing the aforementioned aforementioned aforementioned aforementioned aforementioned aforementioned first person have the aforementioned aforementioned aforementioned aforementioned ability indicating inclusion within order indicating inclusion within order indicating inclusion within order in order to be career gets destroyed!

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