Abbreviations Translator by SlangLang
The 21st century gave birth to a seemingly endless amount of abbreviations. One can very easily get lost when it comes to defining what they all stand for. To help this cause, we have created a quick and easy-to-use tool to give you a brief explanation for most of the common abbreviations used today.
Simply paste the abbreviation as raw text and you will immediately get the result!
How does this work?
We have a database of 2,700 abbreviations and will display the one that is pasted immediately. Simply paste or write the abbreviation in the text box – easy as one, two, three!
Why is there such an abundance of abbreviations?
Online Slang is constantly developing and it seems like a new trend is created on an almost daily basis. To make sure that communications when talking about these topics stays colourful, young and exciting, abbreviations help to not only make things sound better, but also quicker to explain.
It started with some of the most famous ones in the likes of OMG (Oh my God), LMAO (Laughing my ass off) and TTYL (Talk to you later) in the early 2000s, back when Microsoft Messenger and ICQ were still the most popular online chat softwares.
Since then new abbreviations seemingly never stopped being created, and the trend is rather gaining more acceleration, then finding an end.
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