Ringotsian Translator


Ringotsian is a language spoken by nearly 400 million people in Ringotsia, Asia.
Note that this translator is designed to translate to Ringotsian. Errors may be present when a phrase is translated from Ringotsian to English.
Ringotsian is known for it's long words, higher than the english average. The longest official word is
'Bnaamanaaltramekraskabekselekavalkanakaneasesatrekunterdesikken' refering to a lung disease. Here is the pronounciation: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGbTs6DGcY/qXZFwsMkE6k-6I5xXgpDSA/view?utm_content=DAGbTs6DGcY&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=uniquelinks&utlId=hfe09c53738
Ringotsian has its own script unavailable in unicode. This has been transliterated. Symbols include Oo, ooo, gh, kh, 3, 2, 1, /, ll, ç, and hh.

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