because I got lazy, make sure to add spaces between each letter. soon to have symbols. this is an example:
T h e t h e f t o f t h e p e a r l p i n w a s k e p t s e c r e t. T h e c h i l d a l m o s t h u r t t h e s m a l l d o g.
Tel helel eh tel helel eh fei tel od fei tel helel eh pona eh ah rem lola pona ih nout wesen ah sol kalm eh pona tel sol eh ka rem eh tel. Tel helel eh ka helel ih lola dosan ah lola na od sol tel helel ud rem tel t helel eh sol na ah lola l dosan od jotom.
you may need to add an extra space next to two of the same letters, otherwise, the Protogen language will type the English letter, and that's it. and sometimes some letters in English will be replaced with the Protogen equivalent if translating from Protogen. you have been warned.
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