English to Njiku and Njiku to English
The Njiku language was created to pay full homage to all the countries our ancestors on the African continent that was captured and brought to the United States.The Njiku language displays strongly of languages from our ancestral tribe of ancestors that was enslaved and brought to the US..Sharing influence from languages like:
- Kongo
- Fon
- Akan
- Mende
- Mandinka,Bambara,Dyula
- Yorùbá
- Makua
- Temne
- Fulani
- Efik,Bamileke,Bubi,Tikar,Esan
- And many more tribes
As I must say I truly enjoyed creating this language.As it is still quite unique in creation.
As I want to create
community or new people in America to where we will have full African influence in the culture.
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