But I wanted to make this cuz I find pig latin fun, how people speak pig latin can be very diffrent from person to person, so I wanted to share the way I speak it. I tend to speak it a lot diffrently from the traditional version. I tend to stick with the "Take first letter and put it in the back'' rule. If I cant change is at all I just add "yay" to the end. If I can change it I add "ay". When it comes to words that start with a vowel, I tend to move a letter over, take the consonant with everything infront of it and move it to the back. for example: "Infront" would become "frontinay". I tend to try to make words more complicated to. This is no where near the tradition version. This is just a lot more complicated version. aka my version.
If you decided to read all the way down here, than neeto, I added a little easter egg so to speak, see if u can find it.
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