Modern Mooneru (Gaustrian) Translator

The Second Official Language and the most important of the Current Commune-Federative Republic of Gaustria!

Nation website:
Português Brasileiro
A Língua Mooneru, seja em sua forma Simplificada ou Tradicional, da Gaustria ou de Moonas, não é apenas a segunda língua oficial da Gaustria (ficando atrás apenas do Russo da Gaustria), mas também é a língua mais significativa em toda a Gaustria, sem exceções! Este é o tradutor "Inglês para Mooneru", uma criação de Ewmayro, eu mesmo! Mooneru foi concebido em parceria com minha irmã mais velha, Hagata, ou, para falar o verdadeiro nome dela, "Haghata"! A ideia surgiu de uma brincadeira descontraída na piscina, onde éramos ilhas gigantes XD.
Mooneru Language, whether in its Simplified or Traditional form, from Gaustria or Moonas, is not only the second official language of Gaustria (falling just behind Gaustrian Russian), but it is also the most significant language throughout all of Gaustria, no exceptions! This is the "English to Mooneru" translator, created by Ewmayro, myself! Mooneru was brought to life in collaboration with my older sister, Hagata, or to use her true name, "Haghata"! We literally came up with it during a playful time in the pool, where we pretended to be giant islands XD.
Vulgarlang IPA:
Mooneru Alphabet and Vulgarlang IPA Pronunciation:
ȣ (Pronunciation of "ʦ/ts")
A - a (Pronunciation of the common "A")
Ɜ - ɜ (pronouncement of Portuguese "ã")
Ă - ă (Pronunciation of "ə")
Ƃ - ƃ (Pronunciation of "r", trilling the tongue)
Ƃ̄ - ƃ̄ (Pronunciation of "ɾ", without trilling the tongue)
Ƹ - ƹ (Pronunciation of "D" (there are records that some people from the Gaustrian and Lagene border, that instead of "Ƿ", write "Ð"))
Ƹ̉ - ƹ̉ (Pronunciation of "ʤ"("dch"))
B - b (Pronunciation of "B")
D͗ - d͗ (Pronunciation of "ʣ")
Ɔ - ɔ (Pronunciation of "ä" ("á", if you are a Portuguese speaker) when used as a Vowel, but has the sound of "ʎ" when used as a Final Consonant)
Ɋ - ɋ (Pronunciation of "ɟ/dj") (In some small communities in Gaustria, the pronunciation is "ʄ", one of the reasons why Mooneru is still be so diverse and complicated...)
Ƿ - ƿ (Common pronunciation of the consonant "p")
Ə - ə (Pronunciation of "e") (In Muromeira, one of the Gaustrian provinces, they also use "Ə/ə" as the pronunciation of "ɛ/é")
Ƕ - ƕ (Pronunciation of "F")
Ɉ - ɉ (Same pronunciation as "ʒ", or better, "G")
Ʞ - ʞ (Same pronunciation as "h") (In Portuguese Gaustria, where the spoken language is Gaustrian Portuguese, they adapted the letter like the pronunciation of "r" too)
Ϥ - ϥ (Pronunciation of "I" itself)
Ϣ - ϣ (Pronunciation of "ʎ") (Properly not used at the end of words (hence the "ɔ"), but it is an error considered common, in Mooneru)
Ɀ - ɀ (Pronunciation of "K")
Ɣ - ɣ (Pronunciation of "L") (Widely used to associate with the Moon, mainly in North Gaustria, where the Moona Culture was founded)
Ɣ̆ - ɣ̆ (Pronunciation of "ɺ")
Ɱ - ɱ (Pronunciation of "M")
Ɲ - ɲ (Pronunciation of "n") (In the small ex-English Peninsula of "Ƹʞăɀãm" or "Dhakam" and one of the Gaustrian Administrative Regions "Dhakam", the pronunciation "ɳ" is usually used)
Ŀ - ŀ (Pronunciation of "ɲ/nh")
Ѳ - ѳ (Pronunciation of "ɯ")
Ҩ - ҩ (Pronunciation of "o")
Ѽ - ѽ (Pronunciation of "ɔ/ó")
Ѡ - ѡ (Pronunciation of "ú", very low)
Ͳ - ͳ (Pronunciation of "t")
Ŧ̠ - ŧ̠ (Pronunciation of "ʧ"/"tch")
Ɂ - ɂ (Pronunciation of "v")
ʡ (Pronunciation of "vɾ")
Ƚ - ƚ (pronouncement of "ʃ"/"ch")
Ƶ - ƶ (Pronunciation of "z")
S̫ - s̫ (Pronunciation of "s")
Ϧ - ϧ (pronouncement of "kh")
Pronunciation of the Unification of Letters (note: Vulgarlang IPA prounciation) and Notes
ƹʞ = dɾ
ɀʞ = kɾ
ŀ'/ŀ" = (quando o "ŀ" estiver no final de uma palavra, e depois tem um ' , é a pronunciação do "nh" como consoante final)

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