Medician language translator (WIP)

Medician language translator (WIP)

Medician is a language that I made as a joke but which I eventually decided to expand and make into a fully functioning language, in practice it is a combination of the English, Spanish, Italian and Latin. Again it is a con Lang (constructed language) that is incomplete so certain words can't be translated.
Some other things you should know is that.
1: The letters h,k,w,x and y is not used in the Medician language and is replaced by other letters.
2a: The letter C can be written in 2 ways (C and Č) 2b: The letter C is pronounced like the letter K, 2c: The letter Č is pronounced like the syllable Ch,
3a: The letter S can be written in 2 ways (S and Š) 3b: The letter S is pronounced like the letter S. 3c: The letter Š is pronounced like the syllable Sh.
4a: The letter I can be written in 2 ways (I and Ǐ) 4b: The letter I is pronounced like the letter I 4c: The letter Ǐ is pronounced like the letter Y
5a: if an adjective ends in "ae" it means its a property of the first person singular 5b: if a verb ends in "ae" it means that the first person singular is performing the verb
6: the letter "Z" is pronounced like the syllable "TH"

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