The Kayah Li alphabet was devised by Htae Bu Phae in March 1962. It can be used to write the Red Karen or Karenni languages, Western Kayan and Eastern Kayah, which are spoken in parts of Myanmar and Thailand.
The Kayah Li alphabet is taught in schools in refugee camps in Thailand. It appears to be modelled, to some extent, on scripts such as Thai and Burmese.
Type x to get "Kh/ꤋ"
Type ŋ to get "Ng/ꤍ"
Type S to get "Sh/ꤏ"
Type N to get "Ny/ꤑ"
Type H to get "Ht/ꤓ"
Type P to get "Ph/ꤖ"
Type T to get "Th/ꤞ"
Type the ˀ to get low tone
Type the ̌ to get mid tone
Type the ́ to get mid tone
Type the ô û è ê ò ᵫ é ŏ to get other vowels
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