Kiorkimo! Translator

NOTE - NO CONTRACTIONS. Contractions do not exist in Glassic. CONTRACTIONS -- LIKE "IT'S," "I'M," AND "DON'T," MUST BE BROKEN APART UPON TRANSLATION. Also, if you are just testing the translator for the sake of it, I recommend SINGLE WORDS ONLY as the English translations of Glassic might be head-ache inducing to the untrained eye. Welcome! This is the translator for the language of Glassic, from the country of Glassnesse. Glassnesse is a country thousands of years old. As a (relatively large) island, it is the only country to be considered part of Asia, Africa, and Europe. It is about the size of Switzerland. Its capital, Keputer City, is home to about 2 million people since it was established in 1656 and remains a cultural and economical hub. To the south is the massive Reko Lake, which is popular among tourists in the summer. Popular activities include water skiing, diving, and whale watching. In the winter, ice skating and hockey are popular. Other notable cities include Bananko, which is famous for its curved highways which run between the top floors of skyscrapers. In Glassic, they are called Sotn, which literally means "sleeping street." In English, they are commonly referred to as "Hammock Highways." Many tourists are naturally afraid of the shape of the roads, fearing for their instability, Glassnesse's flag consists of a hawk spreading its wings, with two lime stripes and three stars, representing the three major rivers which run through the country: Haj, Spet, and Nere. Similarly, it can also be translated to the three major philosophies in Glassnesse: War, Peace, and Laughter. Glassnesse's national animal is the lemur, or romyf. The national fruit is the watermelon. Useful to tips to travelers: Watch where you're driving. In Glassnesse, road lights are the opposite of what you are used to. Green = Stop, Yellow = Go, Red = Slow Down. If are unable to drive because of this, call for a taxi by shouting "TESOU!!" (Taxi!). The taxi has special microphones attached to them to pick up this specific word. When inside, ask your driver if (s)he speaks English (Pi uniy npoek Ongrunh?) To ask for directions, ask for "pufoktuinn" (directions). Greet your driver with a "horri" or "hu" (Hello or hi). If you are in a situation that requires help - "help" is "horp" (The Glassicans relate this noise to a stranded sea lion) "Embyrenso" is an ambulance. Be aware that many Glassnesse restaurants have been overtaken with McDonald's, or "Mics" as the locals like to call it, so it is very difficult to find authentic Glassic cuisine. However, if you DO find an authentic restaurant, make sure to order "Hiki" (= crab). This is because this is the only food that restaurants serve to tourists that is actually fresh (under national law, crab is required to be as fresh as possible). They often serve rotten food to tourists to mess with them. When questioned about it, they often say "it's just the culture." Pro tip - DO NOT say you are from the Americas ("Emofuke"). This is illegal, and you will be promptly thrown out of whatever building you may be standing in, however tall it is. Money is called Mou, plural = Moun. When naming numbers, make sure to name them QUIETLY as public mathematics is taboo, and is the equivalent of flashing someone something they'd rather not see. Basic Numbers - One = Ino, Two - Tii, Three - Thfoo, Four - Tiyf, Five - Tuwo, Six - Nuso, Seven - Nowon, Eight - Ought, Nine - Nuno, Ten - Ton, Eleven - Orowon, Twelve - Torwo, Thirteen - Thuftoon. I would give many other useful phrases like this, but hey, that's what the generator's for. Giipbuo! (goodbye) KONNUKE.. Please check out the reverse translator (!2)

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