Janky Early Modern English Translator


Letter Name Description
ſ Long S replaces most 's's, unless it is at the end of a word, or next to a 'f'.
þ Thorn replaces all 'th's.
Æ/æ Ash Ligature of vowels A and E.


A very janky rudimentary Early Modern English (Around 15th-Early 16th Century) translator for use in projects and other things. It is almost entirely made of guesswork, Frankenstein'd from quotations, Wiktionary, and the Tyndale Bible.
For info on how to correctly use this, read this: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Analysis/YeOldeButcheredeEnglishe
In other words, just mind your 'th's and 'st's.


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