Ichtenese is a language spoken by the the people in the Ichten city.
Here is it's alphabet: A, Ä, B, C, Ch, D, E, F, G, Gh, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, Ö, P, Qu, R, S, S̄, T, U, Ü, V, W, Y, Z.
Pronouncation of Each Letter
A- a/æ/ä/
Ä- ɑ/ä/ɒ/ɒ̈/æ/a
B- b
C- k/s
Ch- x
D- d
E- ɛ/e/ə
F- f
G- ɡ
Gh- ɣ/ʁ
H- h/ɦ/ħ
I- i/ɪ
J- dʒ
K- k
L- l
M- m
N- n
O- o/ɒ/ɑ/ɔ
Ö- ɯ/ɤ/œ/ɛ/ɛ̃
P- p/pʼ
Qu- kw
R- ɹ/r
S- s
S̄- ts/sː/ç
T- t/tʼ/tˑ/d/dˑ
U- u/ʊ
Ü- y/ʏ/ɪ/ɯ̽
V- v
W- u/w
Y- i/ɪ/j/ʝ/ʏ/y
Z- z/dz/s
Letter's with different sounds: Ech, Och, Ach, Ich, Uch, Eur, Eir, Rh, Sh, Wh, T'Ch
Pronouncation: eːux/ɛːux, oːx/ɔːx, aːux, iːux, , ɚ/ɝ, ɪ˞, ɾ, ʃ/ç, w/ʍ, χʼ/xʼ/ɦ
You can see X is omitted, and X is never loanwords in this language. New letters are: Ä, Ch, Gh, Ö, Qu, S̄, Ü.
E is mute in this: -dde, -ffe, -lle, -nne, -ppe, -rre.
Remember, if you write short words, separate it. (Example: I'm = I am)
No plurals! (Example: Roads = road)
⍰ = no word found.
Words derived from English, French, Portuguese, German, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, and other Central European languages.
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