Husky language The language of the huskies!

(wip) Beta V1.82 (Random Word Update Pt 1)

Hey guys thank you for all of the support I have been trying so hard to make these words you guys are awesome New in 1.82 more=ore a=ay thin=tin fat=fatt horse=horseses man=mayn woman=woahmayn men=menen woman=woahmenen New in 1.81 Canada=Cunaduh United=Unided States=Stades of=ov off=ofv America=Ameriga north=nort south=sout west=wes east=weast Mexico=Mexigo New in 1.8 if=iv he=hee him=hime his=hiz she=shee her=herer hers=herz them=themd they=theyed theirs=derez sharp=sharb drown=dwown soak=soag seal=zeal So this update will have many mini-updates for lots more words for you to use! New In 1.7 Obunga=Obunja Quandale=Kwanzale Dingle=Dingel Hampter=Hapter Hamster=Hapter Vector=Vecdoor Stocks=Stonks until next hour quandale dingle has taken over our background New in 1.61 The plurals for the new animals have been added and we have found the logs for 1.4! Hi, This is only being worked on by one person its very hard to do this by myself so if updates dont come out often im sorry. The animal update 2.0 is here and we have kept the last versions update below this one! New in Version 1.6 axolotl=axowotil fox=foks bearded dragon=bereded dwagon beard=bered bearded=bereded dragon=dwagon frog=fwog moth=moff shark=sharck Dont worry animal update pt 2 is coming soon but I also would like the site to look good too! New in Version 1.5 Aurora Borealis Background New Font Police=Copz Arson=Burnd Plazez Crime= ilegl one=wun two=twoo three=tre four=fluor five=vive six=zix seven=zeven eight=eighd nine=nime ten=twen zero=zewo Hi, This is only being worked on by one person its very hard to do this by myself so if updates dont come out often im sorry. Dont worry animal update pt 2 is coming soon but spooky season first! New in Version 1.4 Halloween=awooween pumpkin=pupkin scary=scawy ghost= floatinz dude zombie= bwainz dude boo=baroo bone= gud calciumz (With Plurals with z's and s's for halloween) Changed Meanings skeleton=calciumz dude (was skekletoon) The log for 1.3 have been lost and 1.2 and 1.1 and 1.0 didn't have logs EVERY WORD CHANGED America Canada Dingle Hampter Mexico Obunga Quandale States Stocks United Vector a am american arson axolotl axolotls beans bear beard bearded bearded dragon bearded dragons bears bone bones bonez boo cat cats crime dachshund do doctor dog dogs dr dragon dragons drown dumb east eight elephant elephants fat feed five food four fox foxs frog frogs ghost ghosts ghostz giraffe giraffe halloween hamster happy he hello her hers hi him hippo hippopotamus hippopotamuses hippos his horse how humans hungry husky i if long more man men moth nice nine north not of off one pokemon police pumpkin pumpkins pumpkinz sans scary seal seven shark sharks sharp she shush six skeleton skeletons skeletonz smile soak south tame ten the theirs them they thin three two ugly vet west wolf wolves woman women woof you're youre zero zombie zombies zombiez

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