Hebrew Transliterated Romanization helper Translator

Shortcuts for extra characters when transliterating Hebrew

Also transliterates common words when you write them in either plain transliteration or original Hebrew
Whole words are transliterated in up to 3 systems: 1. ISO 259 and 2. SBL Handbook of Style Academic. If I personally use a different character than what is used in either system, I will place my preferred transliteration in front of the two. Each Transliteration will be separated by an italicized '𝘰𝘳' or a simple comma
The transliteration system that this tool is based on and what I recommend using is ISO 259, but also the SBL Handbook of Style both academic and general. Personally, I tend to use a combination of the two depending on what looks best visually.
You can also use this tool to type in Hebrew to automatically transliterate the consonants, however the vowels will not be transcribed unless it is one of the commonly transcribed words.
Shortcuts: *(If there are multiple possible characters for a given Hebrew Letter, I marked my preferred in bold) (Name = Transliteration -> Shortcut):
aleph = ʾ -> , or [ beth = b veth = v/ḇ -> b gimmel = g ghimmel = gh/ḡ -> g daleth = d dhaleth = dh/ḏ/ð -> d or 2 heh = h waw = w zayn = z ḥeth = ḥ -> h. or j Can also be ħ (type the 3 key) ṭeth = ṭ -> t. or / yodh = y kaph = k khaph = ch/kh/ḵ -> k, can also be transliterated (academically) as: ḫ (type the 4 key) lamedh = l mem = m nun = n samekh = s ayin = ʿ -> ` or ] peh = p feh = f/p̄ -> p ṣadeh = ṣ/ẓ -> S or s. / z. qoph = q resh = r shin = sh/š -> s^ or x sin = c/s/ś -> c' taw = t thaw = th/ṯ -> t
Vowels: Shwa (טְ‎) = ə -> 5 or omitted Segol (טֶ‎) = e Pataḥ (טַ‎) = a Qameṣ (טָ‎) = ā (sometimes å or á) -> a= (or ) or a') ḥiriq (טִ‎) = i ṣere (טֵ‎) = ē -> e= ḥōlem (טֹ‎) = o or ō Shuruq (טוּ‎) = û or ū Qibbūṣ (טֻ‎) = u or ū
Segol (ḥatef) (חֱ‎) = e Pataḥ (ḥatef) (חֲ‎) = a Qameṣ (ḥatef) (חֳ‎) =
Full ḥōlem (וֹ‎) = ô or ō -> ḥîreq+Yodh (טִי‎) = î or ī -> final qāmeṣ hê (טָה‎) [optional (SBL)] = ṣērē/segol+yodh (טֵי‎) = ēi, ei, ê, or é
Diacritics: Modify - - => (letter)_ Acute Accent = (letter)' Dot Below = (letter). Circumflex = (letter)6 Macron = (letter)= Breve = ? (To type plain numbers, just use shift+number key)

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