Why are you reading this, I'm just adding a description for requirements, so why are you reading this? Don't you have anything more productive to do? Working? Keeping your rank in competitive multiplayer games? Taking care of your family and loved ones? Eating beans? Finishing taking a dump instead of scrolling onto millions of memes and reposts? Edit your minecraft let's play recording and post it (looking at you Mr. You-know-who-you-are)? Learn how to count to 3, 6, and 9 (Also looking at you people you know who I'm talking about)? Don't you have any other stuff to do? Well then crap go on.
P.S: I don't know why but when you paste something with an H in it (the 🖐️ emoji), it will appear as the emoji, not as an H, so you have to delete it and put it again. If you know how to fix this, tell me and I will deliver a crap ton of beans to your door. Thanks.
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