Greschan Translator

English to Greschan (and Vice Versa) [PRIVATE]

Greschan is the language of the ancient Shawzi tribe from the Alkraxen people, and is believed to be the parent language of ancient Zayrusian. The Greschan people were very in-tune with music and are known for their great but interestingly quirky rhythms and melodies, most of them often being played using either the Phrygian scale or the Enigmatic scale. In fact, when it comes to music, they were even the ones who essentially came up with the musical scale notation that the Zyri have today. There's the normal A through to G and then A again, but instead even the semitones have letters assigned to them, so only flat and sharp symbols are used to denote demisemitones.
In chromatic order, the Zyrus musical scale of notation goes as follows: A, H, B, I, C, J, D, K, E, F, L, G, A, H (but the next octave). It's important to note that the Shawzi people often played a scale of 9 notes, so you play all notes once, then the next octave of the tonic note, and then play the note after that.

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