Ganglish is a way to text or talk like they no longer know vowels and are a baby. (updates below)
Wouldn't recommend trying to turn English into ganglish with this translator, because like when you put: "talk to you later" it will put "talk t uu later" not "ttyl". I don't know how to fix it, but if anyone knows how tell me. if you want to translate ganglish into English though, this translator is perfect for that. (edit they fixed some of them)
Ganglish: Wha gud wit uu cuh
English: What's good with you, cousin?
ganglish translater!!
Version 1.0.0 - Initial Release
- Ganglish Translater: Translate standard English into Ganglish and vice versa.
Version 1.1.0 - Feature Enhancements
- Improved Vocabulary: Added more common phrases and slang for better translations.
- Grammar Adjustments: dumb spelling errors
Version 1.2.0 - Suggestions
- Suggestions Added: Thank you for your suggestions!! (Please give me more lmao)
Version 1.2.1 - Suggestions
- Suggestions Added: Thank you for your suggestions (again) if you have any more please, give them to mee!)
Version 1.3.1 - Suggestions
- Suggestions Added : tis pmo icl frfr (added the new TikTok ganglish, if I missed any go ahead and give me some suggestions!!)
Version 1.4.1 - New Phrases and Words Added
- Phrases and Words Added : Added SO MUCH more words and phrases, so try to translate see if you see a difference. (again if you have any suggestion please give them to me!!) (also to the guy who asked for fries and a coke in my suggestions, I don't even know bro. 😭)
Version 1.4.2 - Some New Phrases and Words Added
- Phrases and Words Added : small update to the translator (if u have any suggestions feel free to give me them!)
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