Ensilic (Heÿoh́) Translator

'Séperj hiÿoryan vō xèzosepevj hacoh̀.

Ensilic is the most wonderful language in the world. You can not argue with me. No one can. It is perfect.
How to use the translator (just remember that it is not at all finished)
First off, never conjugate anything in English and follow all directions for complete accuracy. If you have any specific questions (especially if it is not in stuff in the translator, feel free to comment or suggest and if I am still entertained by this by then I will get back to you somehow.
For a noun, find the root. If it is a body part, type ".body part" after it. If it is not, do not worry about it. Then, if it is a place or location, type ".place" after it. If it is a moment or occurrence, type ".moment" after it. If it is a length of time longer than a moment or with an unspecified amount of time, type ".time" after it. If none of those and you can count it, type ".object" after it. If you can not count it and you are physically or mentally able to interact with it or be affected by it, type ".mass" after it instead. If you can not interact with it (such as when it is being treated as an abstract concept), type ".concept" after rather than the other two options. Finally, if it is plural, type ".yan" after it and to not worry about it if it is not plural. After that, copy it and take out all of the punctuation symbols (not meaning accents) and you'll have your word. If it is a pronoun, leave it be and do not follow any of this.
Random note, if you want the orange fruit and not the color, type orangefruit instead of orange.
For verbs, find a root that is able to be bent to suit your meaning. If you want to say "My face hurts" you would use pain, and not hurt. Next you want to know whether that root colors the word to mean something is acting on something else, or something is passively receiving an action (active or passive). If you are using a passive root for a passive meaning or and active root for an active meaning, you put ".verb" after the root. If you have to color a passive root (such as pain) as an active word, you would put ".cause" after the root (and put ".verb" at the end too). If you had to color an active root (such as harm) as a passive word, you would type "be." right before the root (and put ".verb" at the end too).
If you want to know whether a root is active or passive, type specify-root (type the root where root is). Make sure you type the root in English. It may also give a brief description on ways you can use the root. Such descriptions may be confusing just because of visibility on my end.

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