Cergarian Translator

This language is discontinued. You can see the language I'm working on right now (and actually enjoying it) by going to this link! https://lingojam.com/Whastroleesh

A mix of words and formed words of Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and German. (and some other random languages)
When you are putting in a word like "where's" (where is) don't put the (') because it wont work. ["i'm" "don't" "didn't" "i've" "i'ma" "i'mma" "can't" works though] and instead of "us" put in usa for the states. If you're talking about more than one Czech thing, please use the plural 'czechs'.
When you are talking about how somethinig "left" please use "leaved" because I'm using 'left' as in left 'n right, so use leave for when something left.
Pronounciation Guide: bro idfk just say how you want, just say all the words in a Spanish accent to your best, but the N with the little snake ontop is pronounce as the Ng, and which it's called Enje (en-yay) and is a letter in Spanish.
When talking about the counry Turkey, please use 'turkiye' or 'türkiye'
Cergaria: https://www.nationstates.net/nation=cergaria
All words:
a about ah aight need needs needing needed alright an and are ass asses asshole assholes at awesome bad bark barks be being bitch bitches boob boobs boom booms bout can cannot dont cat cant cats confuse confused confusing confusion cool cools darling dick dicks did different do does dog dogs doing doll dolls done down downer dumb dunce english fine fuck fucker fuckers fucks fucked fucking gay gays go goes going good goods great greek greeks he hello hey hi hole holes homosexual homosexuals how i idiot idiots ight in is isnt it kitten kittens know knows low lower me yo mes meow meows mess messes messing mine my nah nice nicer no not of ok okay on people peoples person persons puppies puppy room rooms scare scared scaring she so somebody someone something stupid suck sucks sure that thats the their theirs them there theres they thing things think thinking thinks though thought tit tits to too up we welcome welcomes welcoming welcomed what will willing wills woof worse worst ye yea yeah yes you likes like time times sometime sometimes hour hours minutes minute second seconds some many much till until get gets getting got hate hates love loves lover lovers kill kills killed killing killer killers off self selves clone clones cloned cloning your yours yourself steal steals stealing stole stolen stoles able loveable likeable liking liked liker likers stealable killable cloneable skill skilled skills skilling ability abilities power powers powered powering superpower superpowers superpowered extreme super shelf shelves sober drinks drink drinkable drinking drank drunk drunks sobers sobered dunk dunking dunks dunked book books booked bookable help helps helped helpable police policing policed cop cops officer officers office offices officing officed secure secures secured security guard guards guarded securing guarding guardable securable new newer knowing knower knowable knowers all news renew renewing renewed renewable renews info information formation formations replace replaced replacing computer laptop computers laptops phone phones tech technology technologies techs then than replaceable lap top tops laps portable port ports portables move moves moved moving movable while with when why where woah who whos whoa water waters watered watering fall falls fell falling went wheres during dure whilst whom whoms for whats italian italians french spanish portuguese german germans finnish latvian latvians lithuanian lithuanians lesbian lesbians cergarian cergarians cergaria italy france spain portugal germany finland latvia lithuania greece britain UK usa us morning evening night after afternoon noon moon sun unite unites united uniting unitable state states stated stating declared declaring america american americans king kings kingdom kingdoms am day days this language languages but butt butts buts has have had better best one two three four five six seven eight nine ten number numbers device devices its accent accents speak speaks spoke speaking speech speeches die dies died dead death deaths floor floors fire fires fired light lights lighted lighting dark darks shine shines shined shining shiny lightened lightness dim dims dimed dimming mom dad dads moms mum mums mother mothers father fathers set sets bright brights brighten brightens brightened brightness blue blues blued red reds reded black blacks blacked white whites whited yellow yellows yellowed purple purples purpled brown browns browned her him his shes hes hers lavender lavenders lavendered apple apples fruit fruits orange oranges eat eats ate eating wow wows woahs whoas just out outs outed outing ever whoever whoevers whatever whatevers now nows never more soon january febuary march april may june july august september october november december sures assure assuring polish poland brazil brazilian mexico mexican mexicans south souths north norths east easts west wests month months put puts putting car cars want wants burn burns burned burning house houses housing home homes apartment apartments uncle uncles aunt aunts auntie aunties ant ants hotel hotels motel motels live lives living lived life broadcast broadcasts broadcasting broadcasted cast casts casting casted television televisions tv tvs tele turn turns turning turned oh camera cameras come comes coming came broad broads or food foods soda sodas avocado avocados rice bacon cheese cheeses bread breads from wont kind kinds suspicious suspect suspects sus radio radios music instrument instruments instrumental instrumentals real wrong wrongs wronging mistake mistakes mistaking mistaken was lie lies lying lied liar liars lay lays laying lay layer rest rests resting rested bed beds sleep sleeps sleeping slept sleeper sleepers error errors make makes making made maker makers create creates creating created creator creators care cares caring cared carer carers wasnt warning warnings warned sorry excuse excuses excusing excused friend friends friending friended text texts texting texted gender genders gendered intercourse sexual sex could cold colds let lets letting because cos cause wanted causes caused causing bye goodbye g'bye g'day yourself yourselves y'all also guy guys dude dudes bro bros brother brothers sister sisters aunty lady ladies man men woman women mis miss missed missing homie homies dawg dawgs gentle keep keeps kept keeping little small big large huge humongous gigantic giant tiny enormous madam mam mams madams mr mrs ms mister misses sir misters gentleman gentlemen gent gents join joins joining joined end ends ending ended mind minds minding minded translate translates translating translated translator translators use uses using used usable its ha hahaha haha wah wa wawawa wahwahwah wawa wahwah stay stays staying stayed talk talks talking talked cry crying cried cries sob sobbing sobbed sobs didnt laugh laughs laughing laughed loud lol lmao true false lost find finds found nothing nothings front fronts fronted fronting lawn lawns our ours back backs backing backed see sees seeing saw direction directions

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