Basic to Jawaese Translator

Star Wars

NOTE: Some Basic words have not yet been translated to Jawaese yet. More translations will be added over time.
This is a translator that translates Basic to Jawaese.
Introduction: Jawaese is spoken by the Jawas of Tatooine. The first listen we got of this language was in Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope. Ben Burtt developed this language for the Star Wars saga. He was drawn to several African languages, in particular Zulu. Recording several individuals who spoke Zulu, Burtt wrote a script patterned on the various sounds he heard and had actors re-voice them for the films. The “recordings were sped up to raise the pitch and accelerate the flow of words” to give us the Jawa language that we are familiar with today.
History: The Jawas share a common ancestor with the Tuskens of Tatooine. Baobab anthropologists have named these people the Kumumgah. The Kumumgahs split from a once singular tribe and evolved into the tall and fierce Tuskens and the short scavenging Jawas. Jawas have been described as having a rather pungent aroma that is a result of their natural skin chemistry. They travel in sandcrawlers, searching the desert wastes for anything they can salvage and resell such as droids or podracers parts. They are extremely clever when it comes to selling their goods but for the most part are fair in their dealings. A split of the original tribe also resulted in two different languages, Tusken and Jawaese. Jawaese unlike the rough barking of the Tuskens, can be more easily learned by humans. Their language is spoken very quickly and has been described as jabbering.
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