Aztec translator (nauatl)

By Nopaltsin

1- If you want to learn how to speak nauatl, this can serve as a support along with your studies. It contains around ten thousand words and phrases that can help you talk like a native or an aztec.
2- Nauatl has various ways to be written, like the classical Spanish transcription (Náhuatl), or the phonetic transcription (na'uɑtɬ). The minimalist orthography on this site is similar to the modern orthography used nowadays in Mexico.
3- The art used as background isn't mine, it's a screenshot from the show 'Victor and Valentino' from Cartoon Network.
4- The 'x' is pronounced like 'sh' and the 'tl' is like in 'Atlantic'.
5- Don't be surprised if a word doesn't get translated, I'm typing each word manually and there are a lot of words in english. I try to get the words from the dictionary but I mostly consult the vocabulary compiled by Manuel Rodríguez Villegas over at
6- You can use the "suggestions" box if you really want a word or sentence to be here and come back later when I've added it. It's completely anonymous.
7- In case the translator fails to conjugate the verbs, here's what they should look like:
English Nauatl
I sleep Nikochi
You sleep Tikochi
He/She sleeps Kochi
We sleep Tikochih
Y'all sleep Ankochih
They sleep Kochih
Past tense O- Future tense -S
I slept Onikoch I will sleep Nikochis
You slept Otikoch You will sleep Tikochis
He slept Okoch He will sleep Kochis
We slept Otikochkeh We will sleep Tikochiskeh
Y'all slept Oankochkeh Y'all will sleep Ankochiskeh
They slept Okochkeh They will sleep Kochiskeh
8- What good is a translator if there's nothing to use it on? Immerse yourself in the language by visiting
9- There's a common misconception that Nauatl is one of those old languages that nobody speaks anymore and will probably die off. The truth is that Nauatl is, after Spanish, THE most spoken language in Mexico to this day. It was the lingua franca of the prehispanic world and still holds influence in worldwide culture. You can learn about aztec culture by visiting
10- Here's a really cool aztec-themed fantasy comic by Camilo Moncada that you can read online:
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