Greetings = Gaaso
Hello = Toki
Away/Bye = Nyoste
Peasant = Kalimo
To fight/argue = Hunda
To say/talk/discuss = Schzay
Friend/to befriend/team = Frint
Enemy/Opponent = Fante
Food = Mast
Drink = Tlo
Please = Abeg
Truth = Lahi
Lies = Layo
Know/ Understand = Kono
What/Which/Where/How = Seme
No/not/don’t = non
Yes = Ja
Many/much = Kii
I/my/me/we/ours = mi
You/Your/Yours = Na
They/He/She = Che
Smart = Scz
Nice/Kind = Kin
Leader = Schzo
Cold = Furos
Stupid/Fool = Skapr
Scary = Schtiemkapper
Night/Nighttime = Nychemprochston
Addicted/Attracted = Auxteschom
Hypnotic = Noire
Strong/brave = Strjonk
Coward = Scropel
Kettle = Schztomklatterstlo
Underwater = Ponyostrojlotschzphonontroscz
Flavour = Schzypowardorfrascztoirtua
Fort/Castle/House = Froter
Cool/Attractive = Kakkorii
Rich = Schzla
Weird = Nyong
Language = Ka’ stagh
To want = Ka’
To die = Schztha
To love/Kiss/like = Kishz
A’ = is, are, am
O’ = a
E’ = the
1 ont
2 ton
3 tre
4 fro
5 fif
6 sik
7 siv
8 akh
9 nin
0 oro
New numbers are created by combining numbers e.g.: ontoro is 10. frofifsiv is four hundred fifty six. And as for ordinals simply add -s if it ends with a vowel and -es with a consonant
These are for proper nouns.
Jan- is for human
Os- is for animals and things
Kat- for places
ALL SIMILAR IDEAS MUST USE ANY OF THE VOCAB ABOVE only if no match may english words be used.
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