Arvatica fra Divković Translator

This is not a language translator, rather a translation from the latin alphabet that BCMS languages use (Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin, Serbian) to a croatian cyrillic alphabet known under many names: Arvatica, Arvacko/Harvacko pismo, Bosančica... It's a type of cyrillic that was used back in Croatia and Bosnia&Herzegovina. Since there are no official characters in the UNICODE for this alphabet, I tried to find the letters that resemble the way they actually look like. The only problem I had was finding the letters that fit for cyrillic "B" and "V".
BCMS latin alphabet: Aa Bb Cc Čč Ćć Dd DŽdž Đđ Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll LJlj Mm Nn NJnj Oo Pp Rr Ss Šš Tt Uu Vv Zz Žž
Croatian cyrillic: 𐊮ɖ ण Ⴤɥ Уv Ћћ Ⲁⲁ ⲀЖⲁⱗ Ꙉꙉ Єє Фф Гг Хх Нн Ii Кк Ʌʌ Ʌ́ʌ́ Мм Nɴ Ńɴ́ Оо Пп Рр Сс Шш Тт Ꙋꙋ ▢◻ Зз Жⱗ To use letters "Nj", "Lj" and "Dž" in "Here goes BCMS" you need to use these letters: Ń, ń (Nj, nj) –> Ń, ɴ́
Ļ, ļ (Lj, lj) –> Ʌ́, ʌ́
Ğ, ğ (Dž, dž) –> ⲀЖ, ⲁⱗ
Some other letters: Ě ě –> Ҍ ҍ
Ė ė –> Є̇ є̇
Ŭ ŭ –> ꙋ̆ ꙋ̆
As for the letter "v", I've encountered some problems. At first, I chose this symbol "◻" to represent the letter "v", but in some applications it appeared as a white square so I've decided to replace it. I chose "ߛ". The symbol ߛ (U+07DB) is part of the N'Ko script. But, for some reason, this symbol is used for writing from right to left so it poses a problem if you want to start your sentence with a lowercase initial letter because the whole sentence moves to the right as e.g. in RTL scripts like Arabic, Hebrew and Farsi. Whatsmore, that symbol "ߛ" also moves to the "end" of the sentence (the reason it moves to the "end" is because the sentence moved to the right as previously explained, so the "end" can actually be considered a "beggining", although you can read the sentence normally as you would be reading a left-to-right script, like you're doing right now)
E.g. "▢рнштɖо сɖм" –Capital initial letter, written from left to right and can be read as such "ߛрнштɖо сɖм" – lowercase initial "v", written from left to right and can be read as such But, in the translator it would look like this: "рнштɖо сɖмߛ" – "v" is at the end of the sentence which would look as an RTL script, but it could still be read as a normal left-to-right script, with a minor exception which is that "v" at the end that should actually be at the beggining of the sentence.
So just to avoid any confusion and mistakes, don't use the lowercase "v" in "BCMS goes here" as the initial letter. You can still use it anywhere in the rest of the sentence, except for the start.

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