Alien Flip Phone Translator


How this cipher works:
Letter symbols: ☊⊑⌖⍜⎍⋏⋉⍾⎅
Number symbols: ⏚⏃⟒⌰
Placement symbols: ⟟☌⊬
Punctuation symbols: ◗⑂ⱒ⫑⍫⋗
Each symbol, besides placement and punctuation symbols, corresponds to 3 characters. (With two exceptions)
--->E.g. ☊ = a, b, c. ⊑ = d, e, f. ⏚ = 1, 2, 3.
---> EXCEPTIONS: ⎅ = y, x. ⌰ = 0.
Placement symbols determine which of the 3 characters the letter and number symbols mean.
--->E.g. ⟟☊ = a. ☌☊ = b. ⊬☊ = c.
---> Therefore, ⟟ means the 1st character, ☌ means the 2nd character, and ⊬ means the 3rd character.
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