Ademco Vista Alpha Descriptors Translator

Based off V128BPT/V250BPT/V128BPTSIA Programming Guide (800-06904V4 10/16 Rev B)
In Programming: To select a word, press [#] followed by the word's 3-digit number
Notes: 254 (Custom Word 1) to 313 (Custom Word 60)
(For Adding Custom Words) 32 (space) 33 (!) 34 (") 35 (#) 36 ($) 37 (%) 38 (&) 39 (') 40 (() 41 ()) 42 (∗) 43 (+) 44 (,) 45 (-) 46 (.) 47 (/) 48 (0) 49 (1) 50 (2) 51 (3) 52 (4) 53 (5) 54 (6) 55 (7) 56 (8) 57 (9) 58 (:) 59 (;) 60 (<) 61 (=) 62 (>) 63 (?) 64 (@) 65 (A) 66 (B) 67 (C) 68 (D) 69 (E) 70 (F) 71 (G) 72 (H) 73 (I) 74 (J) 75 (K) 76 (L) 77 (M) 78 (N) 79 (O) 80 (P) 81 (Q) 82 (R) 83 (S) 84 (T) 85 (U) 86 (V) 87 (W) 88 (X) 89 (Y) 90 (Z)

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