Æorcia Translator

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Æorcia is the ancient language of the native Adrïnen, and is one of the 2 proto-languages that merged together to create Ancient Eyrrn. Originally Æorcia was the language of the Adrynians and Asléska was the language of the Asléksen, but as history progressed, the Seqasléksen language gradually adopted more Æorcia words, and so, when the Adrïnen became independent, the language was renamed by the Seqadrïnen government to "Eyrradeim", which translates to "free tongue", but it was quickly shortened to "Eyrrn" within a decade.
a = [a] or [ɐ]; á = [æ]; â = [ʌ]; ä = [ɑ̈ː]; e = usually [e], but sometimes [ɛ]; é = [ei];
i = [i]; o = [o] or [ɔ]; ó = [ɔ]; ô = [ɒ]; õ = [ou] or [oʊ]; u = [u] or [ʊ]; ú = [ʊ]; û = [ʊ];
ü = [ʉː]; y (when beginning and ending a word or name) = [i];
y (when within a word or name) = [j].
æ = [ai]; œ = [ɔi]; ie = [i:]; ei = [ei] or [ɛi]; ea = [eə:] or [ɛəː]; ø = [ø].
n = [n]; m = [ɱ]; ñ = [ɲ]; v = [w]*; w = [w]; lh, l = [l]; rh = [ɹ]; r = [ɾ]; k = [q]; g = [g];
s = [s] (at the start or end of a word); x = [s]; xh = [ ʐ ]; z = [z]; d = [ ɖʰ ]; t = [t].
č = [ʧ]; c [k]; ng = [ŋ]; th = [θ]; ci = [ʂ]; bh = [f]; š (sí) = [ʃ]; wh = [ʍ]; kh (rare, sometimes for word endings) = [k];
dh = [ʤ] (unless at the end of words, then it makes a [d] sound).
Now this is the only rare one apart from [h]: hũ = [ɦʲʊ:].
*<v> much later tends to evolve into /ʋ~β/ when stressed while <w> remains [w]
'k's and 'g's are often interchangeable unless an h follows immediately after a k (as in 'kh').
Words and names never begin with an [ŋ] sound, and the [ð] sound does not exist in this language, nor does the [v] sound exist.
Sometimes when y ends a word or name, the [i] vowel is slightly elongated and pronounced as [i:]. There are never more than one 'y' in a row as a part of a word or name, and y is never a consonant.
Æorcia has no indefinite articles.
'Demon' uses a diff'rent plural specifically for dangerous, powerful things — the vowel in the first syllable changes to 'o' and "hard sounds" such as 'bf' "soften" e.g. bf > f. The last syllable is stressed and any vowel becomes 'o' followed by 's'; /n/ oft becomes /m/ and any /l/ before the stressed syllable tends to become /ɾ/.

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